How It Works

How It Works

Sign Up & Start the Course

Our course is fast and self-paced, allowing you to spend as much time as you need to successfully complete it. The course will take you as little as 2 hours, making it a quick and accessible for everyone.

Enter Your Information

Once you’ve completed the course, enter in your traffic ticket information and Driver’s License. You will then be prompted to take the final test. The test is 100% open book!

Submit to the Court!

You’ve completed the test! We will now submit your certification to the court. We submit to every court in California directly through the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) system.

Traffic Improve is a total game-changer for traffic school. It’s quick, painless, and very easy to follow. They make everything super easy to understand, and you can knock it out without having to block off an entire day. Best site to clear your ticket and got me back on the road!

David S.

San Francisco

Traffic Improve is a lifesaver! I got it done in a couple hours and still got to enjoy my weekend. Definitley the best choice for a quick solution, especially if you’ve got a busy schedule. The open book test was great, I didn’t have to struggle to recall information since it was all right there.

John L.

Los Angeles